The P’s of Mommy-ing

PsMommyingMom. A title just above Queen.

I have been entrusted with the special duty of mommy-ing.  With this responsibility, there certainly comes a lot of…duties!  As with most of my posts, I am writing this as I go through lessons and thoughts and incorporating things into my own personal life.   I do pray others would be blessed and something would impact a change in your life as well.

Several years ago, I jotted down 7 words that began with the letter “P”.  All were words of actions I wanted to develop and practice in my “mommy-ing skills”. Today, I have added a few more and before it’s all over, who knows how many there will be!  I’m hoping to write one post on each word.  We’ll see how I do.

The list (as it presently stands) is:

  • Pray
  • Plan
  • Pictures
  • Phones
  • Pay attention
  • Process
  • Parent
  • Practical
  • Patience
  • Play
  • Practice

First of all, being a mom requires a lot of pouring out of yourself.  From the moment the first child wakes in the morning until you can maybe grab a few minutes to sit after the last one is sleeping at night, mommy-ing is a constant state of giving and giving.  You give of your time, efforts, energy, thoughts, love, service, attention, help, etc. all day long.  While this can be invigorating, it can also be quite exhausting.

In order to do this day after day, you must replenish yourself.  I really believe that moms should have some time for themselves and recharge.  Sitting in a hot tub of Epsom salt and essentials oils at the end of the day is relaxing for me. So is an hour or two at Target by myself after the kids are in bed, a few minutes to read a good book, sipping some coffee and writing in my journal, siting in the living room with my husband and just visiting, or playing Candy Crush on my iPad. These moments to yourself (and doing something you enjoy for at least a few minutes each day) are important!

However, while these things are relaxing and rejuvenating, honestly none of them will fill you up on the inside so that in the middle of the night when the child wakes or in the morning when things start out rough, you have what it takes to pour out.  In order to adequately and effectively mommy, I need to PRAY.


Praying is the first thing on my list because without prayer, I can’t effectively do any of the following “P” actions. Time spent reading the Word of God and asking Him to help make me the best mommy I can be for my kids, is where I draw any strength to do so.  Praying that I can be changed and be what I need to be as an individual and being full of God’s grace and His spirit will enable me to mommy my kids.

Choosing to take a few moments to pray and gather strength from God’s Word will make a difference and it has proven time and time again for me!

this is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it                                                 (Psalms 118:24)